
With the Solon app your estate management is at your fingertips, full access in real time. In minutes you can sign in and create your profile, then simply add your assets and liabilities to check out your automated net worth. Over time your assets will change and you can change them on the app too.  The keypoint is to safeguard your estate, Solon is embedded with a will template that sits behind your estate management, this is key for your legacy! Add your beneficiaries, assign your witnesses, hit the Solon icon, and off you go!

8 steps to future-proofing your finances: 

    Complete your profile:

    In the process of creating a profile on Solon, your login details, name, email address and contact information are captured and must be verified to complete the registration process.

    Load assets and liabilities

    There is a selection of common asset categories, which are: real estate, bank account, insurance policy, pension, cryptocurrency, online accounts, and debt or liability, however other assets can be manually added.

    Assign beneficiaries

    A beneficiary is a person or other legal entity who shall receive assets or other benefits from a testator (benefactor).

    As part of the Solon fluid will, you can assign beneficiaries to assets. This can be as intricate or basic as you desire as assets can be shared between multiple beneficiaries, a single person or a corporation such as charities or funds.

    Review net worth and receive guidance and recommendations

    The assets and liabilities you enter will be used to estimate the net worth of your portfolio. Tax alert triggers are built into the system to help you manage your finances.  Your inheritance tax and your generated Will, will one day help your executor deliver their duties.

    Generate fluid will

    The steps above form the basic information you need to provide before you can hit the Solon icon to unveil how your will is mapped out.  To legalise your will in the Solon app you have to perform your cohesion test and sign, then forward it to witnesses to sign too.

    Add witnesses and assign executors

    You need two witnesses to countersign your will. They sign to confirm that the will has been signed by you, the creator, and to verify they acknowledge your signature.

    Executors are entrusted to administer your estate for the sake of your beneficiaries as outlined in your will. You can nominate two to four executors. After providing executors’ information, each one will be asked to confirm that they agree to the responsibilities of the role.

    Proof of life

    After you subscribe to this service, you choose how often Solon App checks in with you. There are two different opportunities for you to respond and confirm you are okay, but if the time elapses an automatically triggered email message is sent to your executor(s) to confirm your status. 

    This check-in clock fully resets once it’s confirmed you are okay. If the alternative option is selected, then your will is sent to your executor(s).  This is trustless.

    Everything taken care of; Executor Dashboard

    Solon is making the actions that need to be carried out by the executor more transparent. The executor dashboard gives clarity of all assets, the taxes (debts) that may be due and the tools available for them to do it. 

    Solon’s vision is that those appointed as executors have the confidence to carry out their duties and refrain from using other third parties. 

    Pricing Table

    Subscription Service

    Yearly subscription @ £65.99 / Monthly subscription @ £5.99, includes:

    • Live will
    • Multimedia Services
    • Proof of life and Executor Dashboard
    • Free Service
    • Estate Management
    • Conventional Will